Empowering Futures

Meet our Founders: Hardworking, committed, goal oriented, and passionate are just a handful of words that describe both our founders- Mr. Patrick Hunter and Ms. Ai’Jalon “AJ” Barnes. Patrick and AJ are both known just as much for their extensive efforts in their local communities as they are for being the pioneering minds behind the birth of A Bigger Picture Global, L3C. While both founders are involved in many philanthropic efforts between the states of Mississippi, Texas, and Louisiana, their efforts are rooted in their home state of Louisiana with hopes developing more programs that help increase the quality life throughout youth culture globally.

At A Bigger Picture Global, we are dedicated to providing the youth of our communities the opportunity to receive positive and improved perspectives on life. While providing life-changing skills and valuable resources to assist the youth on navigating better routes to brighter futures, A Bigger Picture Global aims to promote drug prevention, crime reduction, scholastic achievement and overall life enhancement. By bettering their chances at developing the necessary skills to pursue healthy life choices and helping to improve the odds of having a quality life, we pride ourselves in aiding our youth to make better decisions which places them in a higher percentile for survival.

A Bigger Picture Global is making its mark starting off by showcasing a helping hand to residents of the Oauchita Parish, Louisiana area. With plans to soon expand beyond the North Louisiana region and service our youth globally, we are centering our efforts inside the heart of Monroe, Louisiana. This allows A Bigger Picture to directly facilitate our program to families in need of assistance while also remaining accessible to the region as a whole. With our development program being based between Downtown and South Monroe, Louisiana, we are able to provide our youth initiative to families that lack the necessary resources that promote suitability, inclusion, peer enrichment, and social development.

Our values and mission are not just the core of what we do, but also who we are. They underline our commitment to building a better world today for an even greater tomorrow. Our organization is dedicated cultivating paths that paint bigger pictures that lead to brighter futures.

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